Experience based & "hands on" training
... There is still a flaw that isn't being addressed. The reason being is because this "flaw" is a natural one. A very human flaw/ error.
Think about it, the human brain only works as hard as it needs to. It indeed takes in BILLIONS of bits of information every second, and we are only consciously aware of a few thousand, and only easily retrieve (indefinitely) a few hundred bits (if we're lucky).
Make no mistake, the rest of the information is NOT LOST, it just becomes more difficult to retrieve after something is learned because of how the human brain operates naturally. This is why "flash cards" work. This is why we go through the alphabet when trying to remember a name, and once we tap into the "file" it all comes flooding back to our conscious mind.
This means we don't have to focus so much on "HOW WE TRAIN" but how can we efficiently and effectively "REINFORCE", or reintroduce content to learners so the brain decides not to archive it so deeply.
Trivie has been given a unique perspective and perfected this science, because the solution originated as a popular Trivia game (#1 across 1.6 million apps to be exact). This success was achieved through analysis of TENS OF MILLIONS of games being played. Trivie learned what it took to quickly, yet effectively create an appealing platform that would bolster repetition (mobile game that everyone intuitively knows how to play, "Trivia") and reintroduce content to its audience so it would be easier to retrieve and apply later. Today, huge organizations like the American Heart Association and other Fortune 100's are using Trivie (with their own branding and training content) as the well needed "additive" to their training efforts. Giving them:
Still skeptical? Set up an A/B test of your own and see for yourself. Considering the above, the only remaining question is "Why wouldn't you?"